Who We Are
Who We Are
Swiss American Partners LLC (“SAP”) represents the joining of two family office investment firms, each of which have worked and co-invested together in entrepreneurial enterprises since 2003.
SAP is unique in two ways. First, SAP’s capital does not come from third party investors, but directly from its partners. As such, the partners can make efficient decisions to positively impact their portfolio investments, without answering to unwieldy boards and committees. Second, the fund represents permanent capital, not limited investment cycle self liquidating VC and PE fund structures. As such, we are able to consider all investment sizes from low six figures to $100M per transaction and all tenors from six months to ten plus years. Additionally, we will consider transactions from seed stage to buyouts. Our ability to recycle permanent capital allows us the flexibility to manage risk and return in creative structures that traditional limited-life self-liquidating fund structures cannot.
The two partners of SAP are:
Mava AG, Zug CH, the family office of Michael Tockweiler
JTipHoldings LLC, the family office of Joe Tippens
The investment strategy is simple as follows:
Leverage the long term and unique expertise of the two investors such that real value, growth and exits can be delivered efficiently.
We anticipate making 8-10 rolling portfolio investments.